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Monday 21 November 2016


Sports News

After just 11 games in the new 2016/2017 English Premiership campaign, the football world is awash with so many talk points and flashpoints. We have witnessed great and historic matches.Clubs have dazzled and have been humbled, (at times humiliated). Fans have sorrowed and jubilated. The football world has held its breath almost for every single Premiership game this season. True to predictions, with the arrival and inflow of so many great players and coaches into the Premiership, the 2016/2017 Premiership season is really living up to its billing as a very special season!
At the instance of our last edition after just four games into the new season, seven teams were atop the Premiership table namely Manchester City, Chelsea, Everton, Manchester United, Tottenham, Liverpool and Arsenal. We predicted that come the end of the season, we would not expect to see any major surprises. Thankfully, providentially or coincidentally, two months thereafter, after 11 games, these same teams still sit atop the table with shifting variations.
Liverpool FC sits at the highest rung of the Premiership ladder with 26 points after 11 games. She is closely followed by Chelsea FC with 25 points, then Manchester City FC and Arsenal FC jointly at 24 points, Tottenham FC at 21 points and then Manchester United FC and Everton FC at 18 points apiece.
Among these seven top teams, every club, apart from Tottenham has lost a game, at times scandalously! Liverpool FC has lost to an unfanciedBurnley 2:0; Chelsea has lost to Liverpool,1:2 and then to Arsenal 3:0; Manchester City has lost to Tottenham 2:0; Arsenal began the season by loosing to Liverpool at home 3:4; Manchester United and Everton has lost very scandalously, for instance both have lost to their eternal rivals Chelsea with a 4:0  and 5:0 margins respectively. Tottenham FC, the only club that is still unbeaten in the Premiership campaign this season, has not faired any better because she has drawn more games(6) than she has won(5)!
With these brief statistics, what are we to expect come May 2017?
We expect a very tight and highly contested fight to the finish. For instance, only two points separate the first four teams. Again, managers are digging into the innermost recesses of their technical know-how and abilities to surprise and supplant, to change their fortunes for the better. As an instance too many, since after the back-to-back defeats to Liverpool and Arsenal, Anthony Conte, the Chelsea boss has “reinvented” a 3-4-3 formation that has enabled him and his team to run rampart against opposing teams, winning five straight matches and scoring 16 goals without conceding any in the process. Liverpool's Klopp has also been able to perfectly adapt to a very fluid 4-2-4 formation that is able to so easily confound and rout opposition teams flat to the ground. Guardiola is a “master inventor.” He knows what to do at any given situation and he has that uncanny ability to develop a “new team” for each new game. So is the tactical Mourinho as well as the tested and trusted hands Wenger, Pochetino and Koeman. Thus, apart from the battles in the field of play, we expect to see more iconic and historic technical battles outside the field of play as the season unfolds.
Presently, Liverpool and Chelsea are at the topmost of the rung. And in my own estimation, they can remain there longer or even till the end. This is accounted for in the main by two main reasons. The first is that opposing teams have not learnt how to counter or puncture their present systems of formation. Things could change if teams get to learn how to counter such. But the two teams can only get better if they keep anticipating their opposing teams, adapting and readjusting to soar higher. Secondly, both Liverpool and Chelsea are enjoying a certain energy and freshness, week-in, week-out.This is because of the reality of their not having any European engagements unlike other teams like Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham and Manchester United. Things could change in the future. And with every change, there are bound to be other changes as well!
We await with bathed breaths as the season unfolds. By and large, it will appear too early to begin to make predictions as to which team will prove victorious come May. This is because so many things are still very much unclear. Some players will drop down in form while others will pick up! Motivations will come! Motivations will fade!  Injuries will come! And sheer luck and serendipity will also play their paths.
At the end, the good news is that the Premiership clubs are giving us a good run and fun for our money and time. And also for our fanship! Let us just sit back, relax and enjoy the roller-coaster season ride! Fanning is allowed! Fanaticism and violence is foolhardy. Everyone, beware!

Nsukka lawyers boycott court sitting for the day over kidnapped member

Lawyers in Nsukka protest over kidnapped member
By Victor Ishiwu
Members of the Nigeria Bar Association, (NBA) Nsukka chapter filed out in their large numbers at various streets of Nsukka metropolis on November 14, 2016 to protest over their kidnapped member, Barr. Josephat Nzewi popularly known as Oha na Eze Ndi-Igbo who was abducted on Saturday, 12th November 2016 around Ugwu-Echara road in Nsukka.
Briefing news men at Nsukka Police Station, where they marched to register their dissatisfaction over the incident, the Chairman, Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) Nsukka branch Barr. Mrs. C. N. Onah noted that their major interest is to know whether he is still alive. She pleaded with the men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) to employ all the arsenals within their reach in other to see to his immediate release.
Expressing fear over the incident, Barr. Onah noted that they are no longer safe in the society. She said: “I am saying that we are no longer safe in the society and we know that the office of “SARS” is capable and equipped to fight this crime. It is very rampant now. So we are here to ask you people to please step up your surveillance especially this season of Chrismass; we are troubled and that is why we have come out to tell the whole world that we are not happy.”
According to her, this is not the first time it is happening. She remarked that four of their members have been kidnapped this year. “First, R.C. Onah was kidnapped followed by Nnamdi Ogbonna, Charles Ugwuanyi and now Josephat  Nzewi is kidnapped,” she said.
She further explained that when these kidnappers run into trouble, they do come to them for solutions and they do help them. “But now I do not think that they will enjoy that type of privilege again. It is like biting the finger that feeds you,” she said.
Responding to the appeal made by the members of the association, Inspector John of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad firmly promised that his team will do their best in other to track the culprits down while noting that his challenges is that if such people are arrested and put into prison it is the same lawyers that will come and bail them the same day.
He equally noted that if the society is ready to fight this crime then it requires collaboration and collective responsibility. “Both the police, legal practitioners, community leaders and the public in general should corporate because these criminals are from your homes, streets, and communities,” he said.
The association was so sad over the occurrence and as a result boycotted court sitting for the day.

Bishop Onah inaugurates academic year for diocesan schools

Bishop Onah inaugurates academic year for diocesan schools
By Alphonsus N. Ogili
The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese, Most Rev. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, on 30th October, 2016 at the St. Theresa’s cathedral, Nsukka celebrated a Holy Mass specially meant for the Inauguration ceremony of all the Catholic schools in the diocese for 2016/2017 academic session.
Delivering a homily in the service that was attended by over a thousand students from various nursery, primary and secondary schools in the diocese, Father Bishop, while thanking God for the emergence of some schools that attended the inauguration for the first time, advised the students to be of the attitude of selfless service. He urged them to always work for the good of the entire society in any situation they find themselves.
“Do not seek for only your goodness, but seek for the goodness of all. If you have two pencils and your classmate does not have any, lend one of them to him or her,” he said.
Commenting on how best to tackle corrupt behaviour in Nigeria bishop Onah reiterated: “We have to change the way Nigerians think before we can change the way they behave because our behaviour is directed by our thoughts.”
He remarked that the major reason why the diocese is establishing nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary schools is for the Church, through the teachings of Christ, impact on students how to be of good behaviour like Christ himself.
“You people can change Nsukka; you can change the world. You only need one thing to excel which is showing respect for your teacher, elders and guardians. Once you become successful in the society, your teachers will say that you was his or her student. But if for instance you are caught and is being prosecuted for armed robbery, your teacher will say that you was in his class,” he added.

“God loves you” – Bishop Onah tells excited young people

“God loves you” – Bishop Onah tells excited young people
By Eva Chuma Nnamene and Alphonsus N. Ogili
Excited, joyful and cheerful youths listening to the chief Shepherd of the Diocese
As an expression of his love for young people, and knowing that they form a great percentage of his flock, the Catholic Bishop of Nsukka, Most Rev. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah invited all the young people of his diocese to St Theresa's Cathedral Nsukka on 12th November 2016 to share the Holy Eucharist with them; and to keep the 2016 Nsukka Diocesan Catholic Youth Day. It was the second time Bishop Onah held such function for the young people. His first encounter with young people was held on 10th October 2014, at the beginning of his Episcopacy.
On that eventful day, St. Theresa's Cathedral Parish – venue for the 2016 Nsukka Diocesan Catholic Youth Day was full to brim. The Cathedral premises wore a very colourful atmosphere as it went agog with unquantifiable jubilations of the youths as they gathered in their thousands for the Holy Eucharist under the umbrella of the Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria (CYON) Nsukka Chapter. The joyous event took place a day before the Catholic Diocese of Nsukka ended her Holy Year of Mercy.
The youths in attendance at St Theresa's Cathedral on 12th November 2016, mostly clad in white and black uniforms, assembled from various parishes in the diocese, to take part in the celebration. The attendees, who numbered over 6,000, were in high spirits as they listened with keen interest to the teachings of the Chief Shepherd Bishop Onah. The tremendous number of young people that poured into the Cathedral was reminiscence of the World Youth Day in the Universal Church. It is pertinent to remark that World Youth Days was started by the Saint Pope John Paul II who invited about 300,000 youths from across the countries at the close of the Holy Year of Redemption in 1984. He gradually established the World Youth Day, and the first one was held in 1986 in Rome, Italy with the theme: “Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you” 1 Peter 3: 15. Ever since then, that amazing celebration has gone on in the Universal Church.
Before he began the Holy Mass, Bishop Godfrey Onah broke the message of God's love to the youth. “I speak to you as a successor of the Apostles, and as the representative of Jesus Christ in Nsukka diocese, God loves you”. As soon as he pronounced God's love upon his audience, the mammoth crowd was electrified, and waves of excitement, jubilation resounded everywhere amongst them as they bellowed “Amen!!!” with tremendous applause. “Because God loves you”, the Bishop continued “He does not want you to be lost. He wants you for Himself in this world, and in His Kingdom. Now all of us make mistakes, and all of us commit sins. If there is any sin you have committed up till today; whether you were a member of a cult, or you have committed two hundred abortions, or you have been an armed robber, or kidnapper, or a liar, or anything, God is able to forgive you today”. Another applause from the youths received Bishop's proclamation of God's forgiveness upon them. Bishop Godfrey Onah encouraged them to repent of their sins, confess them, and obtain God's full forgiveness.
During the homily, the Catholic Bishop of Nsukka, Most Rev. Godfrey Onah sent a strong message of love to the excited youths. He told them “I need you. The Church needs you and Jesus Christ needs you. To show you how much I need you, I am begging you at this Holy Mass to pray for me and my priests. This is a very difficult time for us because the temptations of the Devil are too many these days,” he added.
Father Bishop urged the young brethren to be prayerful; noting that prayer is to man what network service is to devices such as telephone, radio and television. Electrical waves and magnetic waves are available. But they could only be received when one has the channel, and tunes into it. He remarked that, though, God already knows all the needs of man, it is still important for man to pray to God for such needs as it constantly reminds Him them.
Bishop Onah continued: “If Christianity is all about doing good things and obtaining all the blessings immediately in this earth, it becomes a business and no longer Christianity. Christianity is a journey of faith because you do not even know what God will give you until the end of time. But once you are doing His will, you will have an inner peace that only God can give.”
Father Bishop finally enjoined the youths to pray God to increase their faith, saying that that is the only condition that enables them to be of the habit of forgiving one another. He noted that it is true some people do not even ask for forgiveness but however, he urged all that it is still important to forgive such people as it is the only means of receiving God's forgiveness.
Priests in attendance include the Cathedral Administrator, Rev. Fr. Dr. Eugene Odo; the Diocesan Chaplain for youths, Rev. Fr. Jude Odo, Bishop Onah's Personal Secretary, Rev. Fr. Malachy Idogwu and a host of other priests and religious.
Immediately after the Eucharistic celebration, a question and answer session was organized. During this time, Bishop Onah gave heart-warming answers to those important issues that border young minds in the Church and Nigeria at large.

KMFB holds Annual General Meeting: ready to open 4 new branches

KMFB holds Annual General Meeting: ready to open 4 new branches

By Alphonsus N. Ogili
Kenechukwu Microfinance Bank (Nig.) Ltd. (KMFB) has, on Friday October 28th, 2016, held its 6th Annual General Meetings (AGM) and declared a 25 kobo dividend per share for every N1.00 for its shareholders. The bank has equally unveiled plans to open up 4 new branches to better serve its customers well. 

The meeting held at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and attended by many including its numerous shareholders; saw the management and staff of the bank portray the financial institution as the vanguard of grassroots banking in Nsukka metropolis for the year ended 31st December, 2015.

Presenting a critical analysis of the period under review, the Chairman, Board of Directors, KMFB, Dr. Steve A. Okolo noted that the period 2015 was, without doubt, a trying year.

He said that, in spite of the alarming level of the present economic hardship rocking the country and the challenges posed to financial institutions in Nigeria, KMFB, Nsukka has remained financially robust within the last few years of its operation.

“Many macro and micro trends first seen in 2014 intensified in 2015, to the detriment of the global and Nigerian banking industry. Overall, 2015 was a trying year,”he said.

The Chairman who commended the management of the bank for their foresight and proactive planning which ensured that the bank did not fare worse however said that “Careful spending reviews and cost cutting initiatives ensured that our bank operated efficiently, with significant annual increase in profits.”

To the excitement of the shareholders, Dr. Steve announced that the Central Bank of Nigeria, (CBN) has given the bank its nod to open 4 new branches in Enugu-Ezike in Igbo-Eze North; Ibagwa-Aka in Igbo-Eze South; Adani in Uzo-Uwani and Ogbede in Igbo-Etiti Local Government Areas in addition to the 2 already existing branches at Orba and Obollo-Afor both in Udenu Local Government Area.

Commenting on the strategic nature of the proposed areas for the new branches, Dr. Okolo said, “We have carried out feasibility studies in these 4 locations and the reports of the studies affirm that these 4 locations are viable, though not without risks for our bank to do microfinance business there.”

To the esteemed shareholders, the Chairman equally announced the resolve of the bank to pay the sum of 25 kobo per share of N1.00 owing to the approval of the shareholders, adding that it will represent an increase of 20 percent on the previous year's dividend.

In his review, the Managing Director/CEO, KMFB, Mr. Christopher O. Ezema extolled the management of the bank, saying the financial institution has maintained steady growth in microfinance industry in the country and has generated satisfactory results in the year under review.

“In 2015, Enugu State government selected 7 microfinance banks out of 22 microfinance banks in the state including our bank to disburse the CBN Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneur (MSME) loans to beneficiaries in the state,”he said.

“In the first batch of the exercise, we received N29, 020,000.00 of the fund and disbursed the entire amount to the beneficiaries. The loans we disbursed in this first batch had 12 months tenure and we have recovered N28, 253,000.00 from the borrowers and have returned same to the CBN,” continued Ezema.

He added that in the second batch of the activity, the bank received and disbursed the sum of N56, 000,000.00 to various beneficiaries. According to him, the loans in this batch have 3 years tenure and as a result are still running.

The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka and Chief Promoter of the bank, Most Rev. Godfrey I. Onah, in his address, enjoined the management and shareholders of the company to be sincere with one another in their daily transactions.

“Our mission is to show the rest of Igbo people that it is possible to be honest and still rich and great; this microfinance bank is an example,”the cleric said.

Bishop Onah further commended the bank's management team, remarking that KMFB has been able to make steady progress despite the fact that microfinance banking is a very difficult area of investment. He noted that this is why the Central Bank is so strict in its rules in microfinance banking in the country.

According to the Chief Shepherd, the outstanding performances of KMFB over the years was the motivating factor behind the approval by the CBN for the company to open 4 more branches at a time when the same CBN is closing down some microfinance banks in the country.

Highlights of the meeting included question and answer session, refreshment and staff decoration.