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Thursday 4 August 2016

For the forgiveness of the sins of our forefathers

by Fr. Augustine Odoh

Presently I have mass intention requesting for the forgiveness of the past sins of our forefathers and also the forgiveness of the sins of the living. In the first reading God promised that he will forgive and he has really forgiven the evil deed of our ancestors (cf Jer 31:34). But presently people still wallow in grave sins. So, there is possibility of sin in the holy church according to Fr. Abba, Jesus, well aware of the possibility of sin in the holy church conferred on his apostles the authority to forgive sin (Mtt 18:18). The authority of the apostle Peter is to be the head of the church and the symbol of key, seals the authority. This authority becomes a mandate to confession and forgiveness of sin. Please, never! never!! never!!! trivialize the sacramental confession. Do not mind the other denominations. Remember, no one is a judge in his/her own case (Nemo est iudex in causa sua). Again the book of proverbs admonishes that; no one who conceals his/her sins will prosper… but he who does confess his/her sins will prosper and have God's mercy (cf Prov. 28:13). Your sin is blocking your blessing, favour and breakthrough (cf Is 59:1-2,11) Beware! Be faithful to sacramental confession.

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