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Wednesday 19 October 2016

    Pope Francis to proclaim seven new Saints

    On the morning of Sunday, October 15, Pope Francis presides over Holy Mass for the canonization of seven new Saints.
    Two of the new Saints are martyrs:  José Sánchez del Río, a 14-year-old boy who was killed in 1928 in Mexico during the “Cristero” struggle which opposed the government's anti-Catholic and anticlerical policies. Under torture José refused to disown his faith; a handwritten note addressed to his mother and found on his dead body read: “I promise that in heaven I will prepare a place for all of you. Your José dies defending the Catholic faith for the love of Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe”.
    The first martyr belonging to the La Salle Order, killed in 1792 during the French Revolution. His name is Salomone Leclercq; he too chose to die in the defense of his faith.
    Then there is “Cura Brochero” (José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero), an Argentinean priest “’who smelt of sheep’ and travelled enormous distances on the back of a mule during the 19th century to bring consolation and Jesus' message of salvation to the poorest of the poor.
    The Spanish Bishop of Palencia Manuel González García, founder of the Congregation of the Eucharistic Missionaries of Nazareth, the Disciples of Saint John, and the Children of Reparation.  He was known for his strong devotion to the Eucharist and became known as the "Bishop of the Tabernacle". He died in 1940.
    Father Lodovico Pavoni of the Italian city of Brescia, founder of the religious congregation ‘Sons of Mary Immaculate’ or ‘Pavonians’. During the industrial revolution of the 19th century he set up an Oratory for Christian education and together with his ‘labourer brothers’ he taught the poor and the marginalized trades and religious education in the belief that improving social conditions would  improve the spiritual life, and improving the spiritual life would improve social conditions..
    Alfonso Maria Fusco, a priest from the southern Italian city of Salerno, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist, commonly known as Baptistine Sisters. Their mission was to evangelize, educate and promote youth, especially those who were most poor, abandoned and at risk. He was particularly close to the impoverished and neglected farmers of the South of Italy after the unification of Italy in 1861.
    Finally the French Discalced Carmelite mystic and writer Elizabeth of the Trinity who died aged just 26 in 1906 from Addison's disease, which in the early 20th century had no treatment with which to cure or allieviate the suffering of its victims. Even though her death was painful, Elizabeth gratefully accepted her suffering as a gift from God. Her last words were: "I am going to Light, to Love, to Life!"

    Friday 14 October 2016

             Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy:                      Marian Jubilee (9 October 2016)Print

    St Peter's Square
    Sunday, 9 October 2016
    This Sunday’s Gospel (cf. Lk 17:11-19) invites us to acknowledge God’s gifts with wonder and gratitude.  On the way to his death and resurrection, Jesus meets ten lepers, who approach him, keep their distance and tell their troubles to the one whom their faith perceived as a possible saviour: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” (v. 13).  They are sick and they are looking someone to heal them.  Jesus responds by telling them to go and present themselves to the priests, who according to the Law were charged with certifying presumed healings.  In this way, Jesus does not simply make them a promise; he tests their faith.  At that moment, in fact, the ten were not yet healed.  They were restored to health after they set out in obedience to Jesus’ command.  Then, rejoicing, they showed themselves to the priests and continued on their way.  They forgot the Giver, the Father, who cured them through Jesus, his Son made man.
    All but one: a Samaritan, a foreigner living on the fringes of the chosen people, practically a pagan!  This man was not content with being healed by his faith, but brought that healing to completion by returning to express his gratitude for the gift received.  He recognized in Jesus the true Priest, who raised him up and saved him, who can now set him on his way and accept him as one of his disciples.
    To be able to offer thanks, to be able to praise the Lord for what he has done for us: this is important!  So we can ask ourselves: Are we capable of saying “Thank you”?  How many times do we say “Thank you” in our family, our community, and in the Church?  How many times do we say “Thank you” to those who help us, to those close to us, to those who accompany us through life?  Often we take everything for granted!  This also happens with God.  It is easy to approach the Lord to ask for something, but to return and give thanks...  That is why Jesus so emphasizes the failure of the nine ungrateful lepers: “Were not ten made clean?  But the other nine, where are they?  Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” (Lk 17:17-18).
    On this Jubilee day, we are given a model, indeed the model, to whom we can look: Mary, our Mother.  After hearing the message of the Angel, she lifted up her heart in a song of praise and thanksgiving to God: “My soul magnifies the Lord…”  Let us ask our Lady to help us recognize that everything is God’s gift, and to be able to say “Thank you”.  Then, I assure you, our joy will be complete.  Only those who know how to say “Thank you”, will experience the fullness of joy.
    It also takes humility to be able to give thanks. In the first reading we heard the singular story of Naaman, the commander of the army of the King of Aram (cf. 2 Kg 5:14-17).  In order to be cured of his leprosy, he accepts the suggestion of a poor slave and entrusts himself to the prophet Elisha, whom he considered an enemy.  Naaman was nonetheless ready to humble himself.  Elisha asks nothing of him, but simply orders him to bathe in the waters of the River Jordan. This request leaves Naaman perplexed, even annoyed.  Can a God who demands such banal things truly be God?  He would like to turn back, but then he agrees to be immersed in the Jordan and immediately he is cured.
    The heart of Mary, more than any other, is a humble heart, capable of accepting God’s gifts.  In order to become man, God chose precisely her, a simple young woman of Nazareth, who did not dwell in the palaces of power and wealth, who did not do extraordinary things.  Let us ask ourselves – it will do us good – if we are prepared to accept God’s gifts, or prefer instead to shut ourselves up within our forms of material security, intellectual security, the security of our plans.
    Significantly, Naaman and the Samaritans were two foreigners. How many foreigners, including persons of other religions, give us an example of values that we sometimes forget or set aside!  Those living beside us, who may be scorned and sidelined because they are foreigners, can instead teach us how to walk on the path that the Lord wishes.  The Mother of God, together with Joseph her spouse, knew what it was to live far from home.  She too was long a foreigner in Egypt, far from her relatives and friends.  Yet her faith was able to overcome the difficulties.  Let us cling to this simple faith of the Holy Mother of God; let us ask her that we may always come back to Jesus and express our thanks for the many benefits we have received from his mercy.

    Pope: hypocrisy is a kind of spiritual schizophrenia

     Pope Francis urged Christians to always tell the truth to avoid succumbing to hypocrisy which he described as a kind of spiritual schizophrenia that makes us say many things but without putting them into practice. He was speaking at his Mass on Friday morning celebrated in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence.
    Good and bad Leaven: my grandmother's Carnival pastries
    In his homily at the Mass, the Pope took his cue from the day’s readings to reflect on the dangers of hypocrisy by warning Christians against the leaven of the Pharisees. Noting that there’s a good leaven and a bad leaven, he said the former builds the kingdom of God whereas the latter only creates the appearance of the Kingdom of God.
    Good leaven, said Pope Francis, always rises and grows in a consistent and substantial manner and becomes a good bread, a good pastry. But as he went on to warn, bad leaven does not grow well and he used an anecdote from his own childhood to explain the concept.
    “I remember that for Carnival, when we were children, our grandmother made biscuits and it was a very thin, thin, thin pastry that she made. Afterwards she placed it in the oil and that pastry swelled and swelled and when we began to eat it, it was empty. And our grandmother told us that in the dialect they were called lies – ‘these are like lies: they seem big but there’s nothing inside them, there’s nothing true there, there’s nothing of substance.’ And Jesus tells us: ‘Beware of bad leaven, that of the Pharisees.’ And what is that? It’s hypocrisy. Be on your guard against the Pharisees' leaven which is hypocrisy.”
    Hypocrisy a spiritual schizophrenia
    The Pope went on to explain that hypocrisy is when we invoke the Lord with our lips but our heart is distant from Him.
    “Hypocrisy is an internal division. We say one thing and we do another. It’s a kind of spiritual schizophrenia. In addition, hypocrisy is a dissembler: they seem good and polite but they have a dagger behind their backs, right? Look at Herod: terrified inside but how politely he received the Magi! And then when he was bidding them farewell, he told them: ‘Go on your way and then come back and tell me where this child can be found so that I can go and worship him!’  To kill him!  He’s a two-faced hypocrite, a pretender.  Jesus when speaking to the doctors of the law, said: these say this and don’t do it:’ this is another type of hypocrisy. It is an existential nominalism: those who believe that by saying the things that everything is done. No. Things must be done not just said. And a hypocrite is a nominalist who believes that by saying it, everything is done. In addition, the hypocrite is unable to accuse him or herself: they never find a stain on themselves, they accuse others.Think about the splinter and the log right? And it’s in this way that we can describe that leaven which is hypocrisy.”
    Tell the truth not lies
    Pope Francis urged Christians to examine their consciences to understand whether they are growing with good or bad leaven by asking themselves: With what spirit am I doing things?  With what spirit am I praying?  With what spirit do I turn to others?  With a spirit that builds? Or with a spirit that becomes air? In conclusion, he stressed that it was important not to deceive themselves and to tell the truth rather than lies.
    “How truthful children are when they confess their sins!  Children never ever tell a lie during confession; they never talk about abstract things. ‘I’ve done this, I’ve done that, I’ve done……’ Concrete things. Children talk about concrete things when they are in front of God and in front of other people. Why is that? It’s because they have good leaven, leaven that makes them grow like the Kingdom of God grows. May the Lord give all of us the Holy Spirit and the grace of that lucidity to discern with which leaven I am growing, with which leaven I am behaving. Am I a loyal and transparent person or am I a hypocrite?”

    Pope Francis announce 17 new Cardinals

    Pope Francis at the end of his Angelus on Sunday announced the creation of 17 new Cardinals. A consistory will be held on the 19 of November, the eve of the closing of the Jubilee of Mercy. 13 of the new Cardinals will be under 80 years and will be eligible to vote in a conclave.The Holy Father said that those chosen come from five continents. They include three American Archbishops and Archbishops from Mauritius and Bangladesh. Below find the list of new Cardinals
    Archbishop Mario Zenari, Italy
    Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Central African Republic
    Archbishop Carlos Osoro Sierra, Spain
    Archbishop Sérgio da Rocha, Brazil
    Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, U.S.A. 
    Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario, Bangladesh
    Archbishop Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, Venezuela
    Archbishop Jozef De Kesel, Belgium
    Archbishop Maurice Piat, Mauritius
    Archbishop Kevin Joseph Farrell, U.S.A.
    Archbishop Carlos Aguiar Retes, Mexico
    Archbishop John Ribat, Papua Nuova Guinea
    Archbishop Mons. Joseph William Tobin U.S.A.
    Archbishop Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
    Archbishop Renato Corti, Archbishop Emeritus of Novara Italy
    Archbishop Sebastian Koto Khoarai, Bishop Emeritus of Mohale’s Hoek Lesotho
    Father Ernest Simoni, presbytery of the Archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult, Scutari – Albania.

    “My aim is to make Queens an institution that all of us will be proud of"

    Fr. Luke succeeds Fr. Andrew as Queens’ admin.
    By Victor Ishiwu
    Both the students, staff, parents and guidance of Queen of the Holy Rosary Secondary School, Nsukka were addressed in the morning of Wednesday September 28, 2016 with a message of joy, inspiration and encouragement by the new administrator of the college Rev. Fr. Luke Emeka Eze. 
    During the well articulated inaugural speech Fr. Luke Emeka Eze who took over from Andrew Eze thanked the Holy Spirit and the Church in Nsukka for entrusting such great responsibility upon his shoulder and prayed God to help him to be faithful in his work.
    He admonished both the teachers and students to begin to re-adjust and change their pattern, for the institution to be able to reach its apex within a short time.
    According to him, change is the only permanent thing.
    “As without motion there will be no movement, so without change there will be no growth,” he said.
    Going further, Fr. Eze urged all to cooperate effectively, saying that supports from both the teachers, parents, guidance and students of the institution (Queens)is highly recommended.
    “I ask for your private suggestions and opinions on how to make this great institution better,” he said.
    He firmly promised that all their valid contributions, opinions and advice will be aptly put into consideration.
    Fr. Emeka equally praised the courage, passion, ingenuity, selflessness, and sacrifices of the immediate pass administrator in the person of very Rev. Fr. Andrew Eze.
    In his words, “Fr. Andrew is a pioneer administrator who by himself laid the solid foundation we are enjoying today. As the pioneer administrator, he took over from nobody; he put his ingenuity at work and today we have a very solid foundation on which to build. Today he saw and he conquered. He is a lion.”
    He strongly assured members of the staff, parents and students that he will not go below the standard already set by the past administrator but rather he will stand on it to achieve a greater height.
    “My aim is to make Queens an institution that all of us will be proud of; an institution that will be spiritually alive, morally and academically strong; an institution that will produce women of substance like our great and noble late professor, Dora Akunyili, who are capable of changing the face of Nigeria.
    “This is my vision, my mission, my desire and my prayer. But if this must happen all of us-parents, teachers and students must sit up and play our game well,” he said.
    Speaking to the parents/guardians, he assured them that their children are in safe hands and strictly warned those who partner with their children in the crime of examination malpractice. 
    According to him, students must learn to succeed through hard work.
    Fr. Eze made it clear to the students that there is no alternative to hard work, obedience and docility. He pledged the readiness of his administration to build a quality and enhancement agency both for staff and students of the college.

    “We shall capitalize more on the quality of teachers and students and not quantity. I promise to love and treat everybody with fairness, to use the resources available with the approval of Father Bishop to ensure the maintenance of the staff and students,” Fr. Eze affirmed.

    St Catherine’s College is capable of transforming the entire society” – New Admin.

                         St Catherine’s College is capable of transforming the entire society”
             – N       New Admin.
    The new administrator of St. Catherine’s Comprehensive Secondary School, Nsukka, Rev. Fr. Victor Chinemerem Ezema has asserted that the college is richly endowed with resources that are capable of transforming the entire society.
    The cleric stated this while presenting his inaugural speech upon assumption of office as the administrator of the College on September 28.
    In his words, “Let it be observed at this juncture with joy, and without any modicum of doubt, that St. Catherine’s College is a school that is richly endowed; we are endowed with resources that are capable of transforming the entire society.”
    Furthermore, Fr. Victor expressed happiness over the present condition of the school. “Structurally, the school is well equipped. Population wise, we are blessed. In terms of teacher quality, we have the best. Our students are observed to be wonderful in character and learning,” he said.
    Expressing gratitude to God and humanity, the incoming administrator added, “We acknowledge with deep respect and awe the grace of God that is at work in us. We thank Him immensely for His choice of us in spite of   ourselves. We are particularly humbled by the confidence reposed in us by our Father Bishop, Most Rev. G.I Onah, The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese. We acknowledge with deepest appreciation his consistent words of encouragement and support.”
    He also acknowledged the contributions and ingenuity of the immediate past administration led by Rev. Fr. Fidelis Ikpe, saying that the name is now very synonymous with the College.
    “His 14 years in office witnessed great achievements which are evident in structures. To our beloved members of the Parents’ Teachers Association, we bow in gratitude and admiration for all your supports,” Fr. Victor added.
    Conscious of the fact that more could still be done for the growth and development of the school, the new administrator urged all concerned that there is an urgent call to duty.
    “This call is made to our most cherished and promising students, to our most trusted members of both tutorial and non-tutorial staff, and most importantly to our beloved, loving and caring parents,” he continued.
    Applauding parents for their sacrifices in keeping their wards in the school, the administrator charged them to desist from withdrawing the students from the school during external examinations, noting that such attitude demoralizes the efforts of the administration.
    “It only implies that such parents believe in the power of expo. Such is an unfortunate example of parents to their children. The Lord Jesus frowns at such parents who mislead little children when He states that ’it would be better if such parents would have millstone hung on their necks and themselves thrown into the sea.’
    He reminded the students that certificates are awarded to candidates based on character and in learning, stressing that if preference is to be made, it would be made in favour of character.
    He finally urged all concerned  to work together as veritable agents of positive change in order to ensure that the college remains a ‘unique center for moral and academic excellence’ rather than take undue advantage of any gap that may be necessitated by the transition.

    “Technological knowledge is central to national development” – Dr. Onu

    “Technological knowledge is central to national development” – Dr. Onu
    By Alphonsus N. Ogili
    The Minister of Science and Technology, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, on October 6, 2016 in University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) urged Nigerians to embrace science, technology and innovation, stressing that technological knowledge is central to national development.
    Dr. Onu remarked this while delivering the lead paper at the 56th Founder’ Day of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium, UNN.
    The Minister noted that no nation, both big and small in population has been able to achieve sustainable progress without embracing science and technology.
    “No nation has ever become truly great without science, technology and innovation. Indeed, developed nations are those that embrace science, technology and innovation, while others that do not remained undeveloped,” he said.
    He further reiterated: “Nations, both big and small, know that knowledge, particularly technological knowledge, is central to development, social progress and human freedom.”
    He noted that such nations invested heavily in the pursuit of knowledge, especially scientific and technological knowledge, adding that the problems that confront nations are usually numerous. However, he remarked that with hard work and determination, when such problems are subjected to the searchlight of knowledge, solutions are found.
    Stressing on the wonders of science and technology, the Minister stated that developed countries like the United States of America, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and China among others, were able to achieve such heights because their political leaders and scholars understood the incredible power of science, technology and innovation in the nation building.
    Dr.Onu lamented on the poor attitude of Nigerians towards science, technology and innovation, pledging that his administration would work hard to rapidly improve the technological readiness and level of innovation in the country.
    “I know that the journey ahead is filled with a lot of challenges but I am confident that the work can and will be done. Nigeria cannot continue to be a mono-product economy where our export consists of essentially unprocessed commodities in the international market.
    “It also makes us almost completely dependent on imports to meet our national needs. This has made our dear nation essentially a consumer nation that produces very little but depends on imports for majority of our needs. This has many adverse effects as it creates very serious unemployment problems, aggravate poverty and puts very serious pressure on our currency,” he lamented.

    According to him, “this situation calls for a very serious work; it calls for us as a nation to start doing what is right. We have to carefully look at the road we have travelled so far and find out if it is the right rout.”

    Masquerades beat up Seminarian at Orba….smash-up his head

    Masquerades beat up Seminarian at Orba….smash-up his head
    By Alphonsus N. Ogili
    A senior seminarian of the Catholic Diocese of Nsukka, Desmond Kelechi Ogbonna, a native of Uda village in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area, Enugu State was beaten up mercilessly by a group of Akatakpa masquerade at Umu-Ugwu Orba in Udenu Local Government Enugu State.
    This ugly incident took place on 30th September, 2016 while the senior seminarian was returning from St. Theresa’s Cathedral Nsukka after a choir practice by the entire Nsukka Diocesan senior Seminarians.
    Desmond Ogbonna who is supposed to return to school on 5th October was seriously beaten up by the masquerades during which his head was smashed with a big log of wood leaving him in his pool of blood.
    Narrating the ordeal to newsmen, he bitterly said: “As I was approaching, I discovered the crowd in the front. When I got to the spot, about 8 masquerades were standing there and 2 of them stopped me and said I should give them some money. It was then that I told them that I am a seminarian but before I knew what was going on, they started raining sticks on me. Another came and asked what was the matter and I told him that I am a seminarian coming back from a choir practice at the cathedral but to my chagrin, he said that he is a pastor and immediately, he joined in beating me up.”
    The seminarian narrated that he lost consciousness when he was hit on the head and added; “When I regained consciousness, I rushed to Obollo Police Station where I alerted them about the development.”
    It was gathered that the seminarian eventually reported the matter to his parish priest, Rev. Fr. Ugweze Simeon who is also the Director of Justice and Peace. Fr. Simeon hurriedly took the seminarian to the Hospital where he received some medical treatment. As it stands now, Fr. Ugwueze has taken the matter to the DPO of Obollo-afor who is handling the matter. The police on their part have started arresting the culprits in question. Fr. Ugwueze told the Shepherd Communications that the matter will be definitely settled in the court of Law so that the culprits will face the wrath of law.

    The big question in all this is what do our people understand as culture? It is high time our people started to define culture not just as a people's way of life but positive way of life. This is because what most of our people see as peoples’ way of life may be negative. And this is very much clear in most of the cultural practices we find around us. It is a pity and pains a lot how our people have continued to sit on the mud. In a hard time like this when we are losing our homelands and the things that define us as a people, our youth are preoccupied by useless practices that gull us to nay wood. May those who see and reason well rise up in every community to fight some of these obnoxious practices.

    Thursday 13 October 2016

    Relieve for travelers as Enugu State Government commissiones road

    Enugu Govt. Approves Contract for Rehabilitation of 9th Mile, Opi-Obollo Afor FG Roads ...Upgrades IMT to Degree-awarding institution
    The Enugu State Executive Council has approved the award of contract for the rehabilitation of 18.5km federal government road along Opi-Obollo Afor, and additional works at Amalla and 9th Mile internal roads from Ekochin Junction-Mechanic Village junction, measuring 2.4km.

    The contract was awarded to Reynolds Construction Company (RCC Nig Ltd) at the cost of N1,356,587,804.56k (One Billion, Three Hundred and Fifty Six Million, Eighty Hundred and Four Thousand, Eighty Six Kobo).

    Briefing the press at the Government House, Enugu, after the council meeting, the Commissioner for Information, Dr. Godwin Udeuhele, said that the award of the contract was consistent with the State Government’s commitment towards improving the lives of the people by creating enabling environment for safe and smooth transportation in the State, especially during the forthcoming Yuletide.

    He stated the council also approved the flag-off ceremonies at the various sites for the 25 road projects as well as buildings and water projects in the 17 Local Government Areas of the State, scheduled to hold soon.

    The council also approved the upgrade of the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu, to a degree-awarding institution in order to meet the educational, socio-political and economic needs of the State.

    “In line with this decision,” the commissioner explained that “the council has directed the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Miletus Eze to draft a bill to be forwarded to the Enugu State House of Assembly for necessary action."

    Udeuhele also noted that the council equally approved the amendment of Section 315 of the Criminal Code, pointing out that in addition to the regular punishment of imprisonment as provided in the extant law, the relevant section would include demolition of buildings where victims of kidnapping were held captive in order to serve as a deterrent to prospective perpetrators.

    In an effort to enhance the aesthetic outlook of the capital city and reposition it for greater heights, the commissioner said that the council also approved the relocation of the Enugu State Transport Company (ENTRACO) to a new site that would be provided for it in due course.

    Justice Umeadi delivers paper as Unn celebrates founders day in a grand style

    UNN at 56: Justice Umeadi delivers Dignity of Man lecture
    By Alphonsus N. Ogili
    The Chief Judge of Anambra State, Hon. Justice Peter  Umeadi on 7th October, 2016, delivered a well-ordered, precise and articulate paper on the topic: “The Rule of Law as the Foundation of any Nation” as  part of the activities that marked the 56th Founders’ Day celebration of the pretigious University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).
    Delivering the 8th Dignity of Man lecture under the auspices of the University of Nigeria Alumni Association, University of Nigeria (UNAA) at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, UNN, Justice Umeadi strongly noted that the doctrine of the rule of law is ubiquitous.
    According to the Chief Judge, the doctrine of the rule of law touches all spheres of human existence.
    He said, “The rule of law as a doctrine includes the making of the law itself; this brings the legislature into the career stage. The legislature should always think of what serves the need of the people in greater number. The rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law.”
    He commended the efforts of the Nigerian judiciary, saying, “The judiciary in Nigeria have exhibited exceeding understanding of the jurisprudence of the rule of law,” adding, “In the beginning, all our legal practitioners were trained in the Commonwealth especially Great Britain.”
    He continued; “It is in this light that we should appreciate the judiciary in Nigeria; our judiciary has exhibited patriotism, erudition, lucidity, candor, and courage in their work. Our judiciary has kept in full view the expectations of prosperity, safety, well being, the respectability and dignity of our citizens.”
    Justice Umeadi further extolled the Nigerian judiciary, saying it is populated with jurists of caliber, pedigree, honesty, forthrightness, courage and other sterling qualities. He maintained that courts in Nigeria are willing and able to defend and apply the principle of the rule of law, portraying the rule of law as a cornerstone of democratic societies.
    He cited some cases in which the Nigerian judiciary has demonstrated candid steadfastness like that of suit No. SC/58/69 (1) E.O. Laknmi (2) Kikelomo Ola (by her guardian and next friend Lakanmi) versus (1) The Attorney General (West) (2) The Secretary to Tribunal (3) The Counsel to the Tribunal; which was handled in the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 1969.
    “In unraveling the matrix of the facts, the Supreme Court of Nigeria exhibited uncommon commitment to work and dexterity when it elected, on its own, to delve into issues which arose in the matter but which the courts below did not deal with,” he said.
    Before the commencement of the lecture which saw Hon. Justice Eugene Ubaezuonu - Rtd. Justice of the Court of Appeal and Chancellor, Nnewi Anglican Diocese, as chairman of occsassion, a brief address was presented by the Vice-Chancellor of UNN, Prof. Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba. In the address, Prof. Ozumba commended the alumni of the institution, adding; “The alumni are the backbone of every renowned university in the world. I am therefore counting on your support to take the University of Nigeria to the glorious height envisioned by the founding fathers.”


    Kidnapped Catholic Priest Released
    By Innocent Ugwoke
     Monday September 26, 2016 would remain an unforgettable sad day in the hearts of Nsukka indigenes as unidentified hoodlums suspected to be Fulani Herdsmen carried out yet another coordinated attack along the boundary between Obimo village in Nsukka Local Government Area and Uzo Uwani Local Government Area, all in Enugu State.
    The unidentified hoodlums suspected to be Fulani herdsmen attacked three catholic priests around 6pm on their way home from a condolence visit to their priest friend Rev Fr Uchenna  Ezeh at St Mary’s Parish Eha-Alumonah, in Catholic Diocese of Nsukka.
    The attack left Fr, Jude Chetanna Chukwuneke the driver with bullet wounds in the head ,Fr Jude Ezeokana, with injuries and bruises after their car fell into a bush and Fr Emmanuel Dim the Rector of Blessed Tansi Major Seminary, Onitsha kidnapped but as at this report the cleric has been released by the hoodlums suspected to be herdsmen two days after his kidnap. Fr Chukwuneke is a priest of Catholic Diocese of Nnewi while Frs Ezeokana and Emmanuel Dim are both priests of Catholic Diocese of Awka.
    Narrating their ordeals to newsmen, Fr Chukwuneke recalled how they came upon a figure on the road holding firmly to a gun at about 200metres ahead and looking back spotted another figure. On seeing the danger ahead, Fr Chukwneke said he immediately decided to take the option of escaping by engaging the reverse gear. According to the clergy, these were the last he remembered doing.  It was amidst this scenario that the hoodlums suspected to be herdsmen tracked down their victims and shot sporadically into their car a Toyota highlander jeep with reg. no KRD 568. DH, blue colour. as a result of this sporadic shooting, one of their bullets wounded rev Fr Jude Chetanna Chukwuneke on the head , while rev Fr Jude Ezeokana was hit by the kidnappers bullet in the right leg.
    The driver of the car Fr Chukwuneke, fearing for his life asked Fr Ezeokana who was in the passenger’s seat in front to perform the last rites for him, but Fr Ezeokana himself was traumatized. With little energy left the two escaped leaving Fr Emmanuel Dim in the car. According to Fr Chukwuneke, he soon heard one of the priests shouting, “I am a priest of God” and when he looked back drenched in blood, he saw Fr Emmanuel Dim being marched off with his hands in the air.
    The hoodlums dragged Fr.Dim, the Rector of Tansi Major Seminary, Onitsha, away to an unknown destination suspected to be somewhere around Adada river close to Akpugo in Uzo-Uwani Local government Area of Enugu state.  Our reporters gathered that Fr. Emmanuel Dim was later seen along Akpugo junction after Adada River by one Nnanna ugwu who was with his brother going somewhere on their motorcycle.  According to Nnanna, Fr, Dim was sitting along the road when with my brother we saw him. “At first we thought he was a one of those Pentecostal pastors that usually go to rivers for one type of baptism or the other but on looking closely we observed he was a catholic priest. Nnanna continued, “We decided to take him to Aku in Igbo Etiti Local Government Area of Enugu State than going to Mkpologu in Uzo Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State.
    Shepherd news men later found out that the said Nnanna and brother who offered to help the kidnapped priest were the sons of the catechist of St Benard’s Catholic Church Mgboko Aku. In a brief chat with the parish priest of St Benard’s parish Mgboko Aku, Fr Matthew Okwor, “he said the son of of my catechist brought Fr Emmanuel Dim to my parish and I received him full of praises ad thanks to God”. According to the parish priest, Fr Dim told me he was treated like an animal in the hands of some of his abductors though some of them were friendly to him. Fr Okwor also mentioned that Fr Dim lamented having been fed on roasted yam and bread. According to him, Fr Dim reported he slept on his soutane for three days. When it rained, some of them pitied him and covered him with some materials. It was from this point that the Nsukka Diocesan Secretariat was contacted and informed of his release. 
    Upon his release from the den of his abductors, Fr Emmanuel Dim was taken to the resident of Catholic Bishop of Nsukka, Most Rev. Godfrey Onah who took very good care of him until his departure to his home. Bishop Godfrey Onah thanked God for the release of Fr. Dim.
    Reacting to the ugly incident, the catholic bishop of Awka diocese, Most Rev Paulinus Ezeokafor, strongly condemned the attack on the priests describing it as unfortunate and saddening. The catholic prelate voiced out on the president and the governor of the concerned state to urgently look into the matter and bring the perpetrators to face the law as soon as possible.
    Herdsmen attack has been on the increase for quite a long time in South East especially in Enugu state. The state has recorded more attacks compared to any other state in the country in recent time. We are no longer at ease with the things around our neck in our father lands. We don’t know where else to run to. The people are lamenting. Both the federal and state government should come up with a clear cut plans to curtail the excesses of Fulani herdsmen. Women are being raped and intimidated. Innocent Nigerians are being slaughtered and kidnapped on daily basis by this same people

    Friday 7 October 2016

    Nigeria at 56: We have reasons to celebrate-Nsukka Council Chairman
    By Alphonsus N. Ogili

    The Chairman, Transition Committee, Nsukka Local Government Council, Prof. Mrs. Rose Onah has stated that Nigerians have reasons to celebrate the 56th independence anniversary of their nation despite the prevailing economic hardship in the country.

    The Chairman made the assertion while addressing a large audience at Nsukka Government Field on 1st October, 2016 as she was delivering her Independence Anniversary Comments.

    Rhetorically, Prof. Onah asked:“"One may ask, in the face of the current hardship-scarcity of food, high prices of commodities, high level of unemployment, do we have reason to celebrate?"

    The Chairman later answered: "yes at least, we are alive and so we have hope; our President promises us better days ahead. After rain, comes sunshine."

    She noted that the people of Nsukka needed to celebrate because they are witnessing unprecedented development in the Local Government Council as a result of one of their own sons, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi being the Governor of Enugu State, thanking the people of the area for the support they have given to him (Gov. Ugwuanyi) so far.

    Prof Onah commended Governor Ugwuanyi, saying,“"He has demonstrated high level of zeal and commitment in various ways through regular payment of salaries of state employees and other developmental activities which we are all witnessing."”

    However, she pleaded with the people to continue to support the Governor by being law abiding and less resistant to change.

    "We should all be ready to make sacrifices in order to support our governor in his mission to move Enugu State to the next level. Nsukka is an extension of the State government, so I equally solicit your support along the same line.

    "Development is all about change and in every change situation; some people must incur some losses. Do not block the major streets so that we can enjoy free flow of vehicles while the road construction is ongoing," she said.

    At the celebration that was attended by dignitaries like the Chairman of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) representing Nsukka in Enugu State House of Assembly, Hon. Damian Onah , security personnel such as men of the Nigerian Police Force, officers of the Civil Defense Corpse, Traditional Rulers, among others, the Chairman equally urged the people of the need to keep the environment clean, saying that cleanliness is next to Godliness.

    She commended the staff and students of the schools that took part in the march-past and other activities at the event.

    Tradition rulers present at the occasion included HRH. Igwe Anthony Aloysius O., HRH. Igwe Oyi Oha, HRH. Igwe Cassidy Eze, and HRH. Igwe Patrick Ugwoke.
    Others are HRH. Igwe Anthony O. Otike, HRH. Igwe Boniface U. Eze, HRH. Igwe Silvanus O. Eze, HRH. Igwe Anthony Eze, and HRH. Igwe Oliver Ayogu.

    Meanwhile, primary and secondary schools that participated in the march-past included Urban Boys Secondary School, Nsukka, ST. Catherine’s Comprehensive Secondary School, Nsukka, Model Primary Schools 1, 2, 3 and 4, Central Secondary School, Ede-Oballa, Queen of the Rosary Secondary School, Nsukka, Community Secondary School, Obukpa and a host of others.

    German lady visits Nsukka prisons, feeds inmates
    By Chikwado Ugwu
    Sunday, September 11, 2016 was a very joyful day for the inmates of Nsukka prisons in Enugu State as they were fed with a special local food (okpa) by a German lady, Mrs. Cecilia Gelmar who was on a holiday visit to Nigeria.
    Reliable sources told our reporters that Mrs. Gelmar was moved by the plight of the inmates when she recently visited the prison with some colleagues. It was further gathered that through her sponsorship, the inmates have been fed in the same manner since 2012 with Msgr. Emmanuel Chuka Ugwu of the Catholic Diocese of Nsukka serving as the intermediary.
    During the visit, the prisoners, comprising of no fewer than 300 people, welcomed their guests with melodious renditions and praises to God for His divine protection and mercy on them.
    Using the biblical story of the prodigal son as an instance, Msgr. Ugwu assured the inmates that by the grace of God, they will be set free on a good day to be received by their people just like the father of the prodigal son in the bible.
    Mrs. Gelmar thanked the prisoners for their prayers which she requested from them on behalf of her sick son, a cancer patient whenshe visited in 2011, adding that through their prayers, her son has been recovering, encouraging them to continue to hope in God as He is the only one capable of setting them free.
    In appreciation, the General Provost of the inmates who does not want his name on prints commended Mrs. Gelmar and her colleagues for the visit.
    On the other hand, the Chief Discipline Officer, Mr. Cornelius Anigbo, who received the team on behalf of the prison authorities extolled the visitors, adding that if other spirited individuals should emulate the kind gesture, the welfare of the inmates will be better. She prayed God’s blessing and favour upon them (the visitors).
    In a similar visit, Mrs. Gelmar also visited the home of Mr. Friday Eke, a physically challenged man at Olido, Enugu-Ezike where according to eye-witness accounts; she shed tears on seeing the condition of the cripple.
    It was gathered that Mrs Gelmar first met Mr. Friday on her visit to Nigeria in 2011 and has been sending money for his treatment through Msgr. Ugwu, adding that without her timely intervention, the cripple would have become blind. She also promised to set up a shop for Mr. Friday where he would commence his shoe mending business.

    Later on, she was given a grand reception by the parishioners of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Olido during which she urged all to patronize Friday’s workshop as a way of sustaining his business, adding that she has adopted Friday as her son.

    “We can ask ourselves today, in a moment during the day, ‘Do I ignore the Holy Spirit?

    Pope at Mass: Be open to the Spirit, Who carries us forward.

    (Vatican Radio) True doctrine is not a rigid attachment to the Law, which bewitches as ideologies do. Rather, it is the revelation of God, which allows itself to be discovered more and more fully each day by those who are open to the Holy Spirit. That was the message of Pope Francis at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.
    The readings of the day speak of the Holy Spirit, the “great gift of the Father,” the power that allows the Church to go forth courageously even to the ends of the earth. The Spirit, Pope Francis said, “is the protagonist of this ‘going forward’ of the Church.” Without the Spirit, the Church would be shut up within itself, fearful.
    The Pope pointed out three “attitudes” that we can have with regard to the Spirit. The first is that which Saint Paul rebuked in the Galatians: the belief that one can be justified through the Law, and not by Jesus, “who makes sense of the Law.” And so they were “too rigid.” They are the same kind of people who attack Jesus and who the Lord called hypocrites:
    “And this attachment to the Law ignores the Holy Spirit. It does not grant that the redemption of Christ goes forward with the Holy Spirit. It ignores that: there is only the Law. It is true that there are the Commandments and we have to follow the Commandments; but always through the grace of this great gift that the Father has given us, His Son, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. And so the Law is understood. But don’t reduce the Spirit and the Son to the Law. This was the problem of these people: they ignored the Holy Spirit, and they did not know to go forward. Closed, closed in precepts: we have to do this, we have to do that. At times, it can happen that we fall into this temptation.”
    The Doctors of the Law, the Pope said, “bewitch with ideas”:
    “Because ideologies bewitch; and so Paul begins here: ‘O stupid Galatians, who has bewitched you?’ Those who preach with ideologies: It’s absolutely just! They bewitch: It’s all clear. But look, the revelation is not clear, eh? The revelation of God is discovered more and more each day, it is always on a journey. Is it clear? Yes! It is crystal clear! It is Him, but we have to discover it along the way. And those who believe they have the whole truth in their hands are not [just] ignorant. Paul says more: [you are] ‘stupid’, because you have allowed yourselves to be bewitched.”
    The second attitude is grieving the Holy Spirit. This happens “when we do not allow Him to inspire us, to lead us forward in the Christian life,” when “we don’t let Him tell us, not with the theology of the Law, but with the liberty of the Spirit, what we should do.” That, the Pope said, is how “we become lukewarm,” we fall into “Christian mediocrity,” because the Holy Spirit “cannot do great works in us.”
    The third attitude, on the other hand, “is to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and let the Spirit carry us forward. That’s what the Apostles did, [with] the courage of the day of Pentecost. They lost their fear and opened themselves to the Holy Spirit.” In order “to understand, to welcome the words of Jesus,” the Pope said, “it is necessary to open oneself to the power of the Holy Spirit.” When a man or a woman opens themself to the Holy Spirit, it is like a sail boat that allows itself to be moved by the wind and goes forward, forward, forward, and never stops.” But this happens when we pray that we might be open to the Holy Spirit:
    “We can ask ourselves today, in a moment during the day, ‘Do I ignore the Holy Spirit? And do I know that if I go to Sunday Mass, if I do this, if I do that, is it enough?’ Second, ‘Is my life a kind of half a life, lukewarm, that saddens the Holy Spirit, and doesn’t allow that power in me to carry me forward, to be open?’ Or finally, ‘Is my life a continual prayer to open myself to the Holy Spirit, so that He can carry me forward with the joy of the Gospel and make me understand the teaching of Jesus, the true doctrine, that does not bewitch, that does not make us stupid, but the true [teaching]?’ And it helps us understand where our weaknesses are, those things that sadden Him; and it carries us forward, and also carrying forward the Name of Jesus to others and teaching the path of salvation. May the Lord give us this grace: to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, so that we will not become stupid, bewitched men and women who grieve the Holy Spirit.”