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Friday 14 October 2016

St Catherine’s College is capable of transforming the entire society” – New Admin.

                     St Catherine’s College is capable of transforming the entire society”
         – N       New Admin.
The new administrator of St. Catherine’s Comprehensive Secondary School, Nsukka, Rev. Fr. Victor Chinemerem Ezema has asserted that the college is richly endowed with resources that are capable of transforming the entire society.
The cleric stated this while presenting his inaugural speech upon assumption of office as the administrator of the College on September 28.
In his words, “Let it be observed at this juncture with joy, and without any modicum of doubt, that St. Catherine’s College is a school that is richly endowed; we are endowed with resources that are capable of transforming the entire society.”
Furthermore, Fr. Victor expressed happiness over the present condition of the school. “Structurally, the school is well equipped. Population wise, we are blessed. In terms of teacher quality, we have the best. Our students are observed to be wonderful in character and learning,” he said.
Expressing gratitude to God and humanity, the incoming administrator added, “We acknowledge with deep respect and awe the grace of God that is at work in us. We thank Him immensely for His choice of us in spite of   ourselves. We are particularly humbled by the confidence reposed in us by our Father Bishop, Most Rev. G.I Onah, The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese. We acknowledge with deepest appreciation his consistent words of encouragement and support.”
He also acknowledged the contributions and ingenuity of the immediate past administration led by Rev. Fr. Fidelis Ikpe, saying that the name is now very synonymous with the College.
“His 14 years in office witnessed great achievements which are evident in structures. To our beloved members of the Parents’ Teachers Association, we bow in gratitude and admiration for all your supports,” Fr. Victor added.
Conscious of the fact that more could still be done for the growth and development of the school, the new administrator urged all concerned that there is an urgent call to duty.
“This call is made to our most cherished and promising students, to our most trusted members of both tutorial and non-tutorial staff, and most importantly to our beloved, loving and caring parents,” he continued.
Applauding parents for their sacrifices in keeping their wards in the school, the administrator charged them to desist from withdrawing the students from the school during external examinations, noting that such attitude demoralizes the efforts of the administration.
“It only implies that such parents believe in the power of expo. Such is an unfortunate example of parents to their children. The Lord Jesus frowns at such parents who mislead little children when He states that ’it would be better if such parents would have millstone hung on their necks and themselves thrown into the sea.’
He reminded the students that certificates are awarded to candidates based on character and in learning, stressing that if preference is to be made, it would be made in favour of character.
He finally urged all concerned  to work together as veritable agents of positive change in order to ensure that the college remains a ‘unique center for moral and academic excellence’ rather than take undue advantage of any gap that may be necessitated by the transition.

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