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Monday 30 May 2016

Felicitations mark bishop Okobo's home coming jubilee celebration

St. Raphael's Catholic Church, Lejja in Nsukka Enugu state was filled with people from different nooks and crannies of Lejja community and beyond who assembled in mass to felicitate with their son, the Emeritus Bishop of Nsukka Catholic Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Francis Okobo on his silver and golden jubilees celebrations.

The atmosphere wore a colourful look and the early morning rain did nothing but added lustre and calmness to the day. The joy of the people knew no bounds as they thronged into the church arena to celebrate their father, brother and son.
They all gathered at St. Raphael's parish, Lejja to celebrate the jubilee of Bishop Okobo who has spent 50 remarkable years as a priest out of which 25 years were used shepherding the catholic churches in Nsukka as the Bishop of the Diocese. 
The double jubilee celebration was initially held on January 29th, 2016 at Saint Theresa's Catholic Cathedral in Nsukka Local Government Area, Enugu State. But the Bishop, as a true son of the soul of Lejja Ugwuoke, still deemed it necessary on May 29th, 2016 to take the double jubilee celebration to his home.
The thanksgiving mass conducted on his behalf at St. Raphael' parish centre, Lejja was led by the present bishop of the Diocese, Most Rev. Godfrey I. Onah who in his homily praised God for the gift of the sacrament of Eucharist and bishop Okobo. He prayed God to continue to lead and strengthen him in faith and also to comfort him in time of trouble.
Father Bishop further sought God's intervention on behalf of the people of Lejja for the good deeds of bishop Okobo to be fruitful in their lives and the entire Nsukka diocese at large. He linked the enormous contributions of the Celebrating Bishop to the church with the biblical story on how Jesus fed the multitude with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes but did not fail to warn the congregation about their steady and erroneous quests for miracles.
"Miracles cannot take you to heaven. That God performed a miracle for you does not necessarily mean that you will go to heaven; the only thing that can lead you to heaven is repentance and total preparedness to do all that God requires of you.
"That was why Jesus told the multitude that followed him to seek the living bread; the everlasting bread because the one they ate is just the physical bread and that is why they later became hungry after a while. Thus, he gradually led them into the sacrament of Eucharist; the living bread." he said.
Bishop Onah went on to state that it was on the day that Jesus instituted the sacrament of Eucharist that he also instituted the sacred priesthood and that that is why the entire lives of priests revolve round the Eucharist.
"One thing that is clear to me about bishop Okobo is not just only that he feeds people with the body and blood of Christ, but that he totally gave up himself so that through him, Christ will continue to give Himself to others; Christ broke bread, Okobo broke himself.
"As Christ gave Himself on the cross, Okobo gave himself in the priesthood totally and entirely. He is one man that does not have private time and the more you criticise him, the harder he works because he knows that he is not striving to please any mortal but Christ." he continued.

Introducing Bishop Okobo to address the people, the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Hilary Ogbaka was very delighted and was grateful to God for blessing them with bishop Okobo and for leading him this far. He commended the efforts of the Bishops, Monsignors and all the priests and reverend sisters who made it to the occasion and prayed God to bless all.
Bishop Okobo started by thanking God for the gift of life and for enabling him attain his present position in the church despite the fact that he is a mere mortal from a poor background. He equally commended bishop Onah for making it to the event.

In the grand reception organised in honour of the Bishops (Bishops Okobo and Onah), refreshments and dances by members of various cultural groups from Lejja were used to spice up the occasion, but more important was bishop Okobo's salient pledge to see to the school fees of the entire class 1 of St. Raphael's Secondary School, Lejja for the period of one year, which will not be forgotten by all who were present in a hurry.

Bishop Okobo was born on December 4th, 1936, to the family of late Ozo Bartholomew Nnabuchi Ugwuja and Lolo Josephine Ugwu Okobo of Lejja in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu state.

His priestly ordination was on June 4th 1966. He was appointed the Bishop of Nsukka Diocese on November 19th, 1990 and was consecrated the Bishop of the Diocese on 6th January, 1991 until July 4th, 2013 when Bishop Onah replaced him.

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