By Fr. Tony Ogwu (OCD)

Cancer is not just one disease
but a large group of almost 100 diseases. Its two main characteristics are uncontrolled growth of the cells in the human body and the ability of these cells to migrate from the
original site and spread to distant sites. If the spread is not controlled,
cancer can result in death. The occurrence of cancer increases as individuals
age , most of the cases are seen in adults, middle-aged or older. 60% of all
cancers are diagnosed in people who are older than 65 years of age. Cancer is a
disease of the genes.
Reproductive system is the organs
involved in producing offspring. In women, this system includes the ovaries,
the fallopian tubes, the uterus, the cervix, and the vagina. In men, it
includes the prostrate, the testes, and the penis. Reproductive cancers start
in the organs related to reproductive(sex). These organs are located in the
pelvis i.e majority of them. The pelvis is the area in the lower body between
hip bones. Cancer can occur in any part of the female reproductive system- the
vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. These cancers are
called gynecologic cancers. They can directly invade nearby tissues and organs
or spread [metastasize] through the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes
[lymphatic system] or blood stream to distant parts of the body. The types of
reproductive system cancers are: -Breast Cancer: This is hereditary, it can be
caused by obesity, women who don't have children or have late in life have an
increased risk for breast cancer. -Cervical Cancer: This is caused by the human
papillovirus. Also, having too many sexual partners and becoming sexually
active early can cause this cancer. -Uterine Cancer: This is mainly
endometrial. It can be caused by obesity. This cancer is also hereditary.
-Ovarian Cancer: Just like others, this is also hereditary. It can also be
caused by obesity and like breast cancer, women who have children late in life
are prone to it.
Prostate Cancer: This type is
found in men. It can also be caused by obesity. This cancer records +23.29%
[deaths in 1992: 34,240, second highest after lung cancer in men] death
rate. -Testicular Cancer: This is also
found in men. It is a cancer that developes in the testicles. It occurs when
healthy cells in a testicle become altered.
Symptoms of these cancers are given as follows: Uterine Cancer: Vaginal
bleeding or discharge that is not normal, pressure or pain in the pelvic area.
Cervical Cancer: Vaginal bleeding or discharge that is not normal. Ovarian
Cancer: Same as cervical, pain in belly or back, bloating. Breast Cancer: A
lump in the breast, fluid coming from the nipple or changes in the skin around
the nipple. Prostate Cancer: A need to urinate frequently especially at night,
weak flow of urine, difficulty in having an erection, blood in urine or semen,
painful ejaculation and painful urination. Testicular Cancer: A lump or
enlargement in the testicles, a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, a dull
ache in the abdomen or groin and back pain.
It is important to see a health
care provider if you have any of these symptoms. Many times people with early
stages of cancer have no symptoms. Therefore, it is important to undergo
routine screening tests such as breast self-exams and mammograms. A screening
test is used to find a disease before a person has symptoms.
According to nutritionists and
epidemiologist from leading universities in the United States, a person can
reduce the chances of getting cancer by following some simple guidelines:
eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, exercising vigorously for at least 20 minutes
every-day, avoiding risky sexual practices and routine hospital check.
Reproductive cancers are often
treated with surgery, Chemotherapy [medicine to kill cancer cells], hormone
therapy [medicine to block hormones related to cancer growth] or radiation. An
Oncologist can help you select the right treatment. Finding cancers early
increases the chance of being able to cure.
Special thanks to,
Blessing Aire,
College of Medicine,
Ambrose Alli University,
Edo State.
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