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Wednesday 29 June 2016


By Rev. Uche Dr.Obodoechina (08033813992)

Today in Nigeria, we are passing through very difficult times. The economy is in very bad shape.
And the government of the day seem to be in total confusion. There is hunger and violence
everywhere. Prices of food items and other necessities of life are skyrocketing daily. Yet, salaries
of most workers in the local government services for instance are not paid for upwards of ten
months. The politicians in public offices seem to have forgotten their electioneering campaign 
promises of delivery dividends of democracy. Government offices and ministries are open at the
whims and caprices of those who work there. People do not attend to their duties for one reason
or the other. There seem to be extreme laxity among the workers: Traders are not doing better
either. Trade unions are meeting for strike actions and price increase of their goods and services.
Even self-made and appointed Pastors of the new generation churches are not helping matters
either. They are continuously seeing visions of doom and demanding pounds of flesh for prayers
to avert the impending doom. Human tariffing and kidnapping are rampart. Ransoms of huge
sums of money are being demanded and paid despite the piercing economic realities. Fulani
Herdsmen and their sponsors are everywhere with their Cattles destroying human life and
properties without qualms of conscience. One begins to wonder again what the government
services ought to deal with. In fact, one is at a loss, whether there is any government at all, who
has a duty towards the common good of the people? And if there is, whether such a government
in the light of such volume of dereliction of duty, has not outlived its usefulness?
Yes, most Nigerians are at the verge of despairing. There seem to be no light in-view at the end
of the tunnel. The government at all levels do not seem to be on top of the situation. The short
fall in the oil prices at the international market seem to carryall the blames. One does not ask of
what goods the government have done when the oil prices were high. Was there no time of excess
crude oil? Has the corruption that bedeviled our public services disappeared even in this time of
great scarcity? Does a wise farmer not do some savings of his crops and products in the time of
plenty of harvest against times when the harvest will be poor? Does a farmer reap bumper harvest
in all the seasons? It belongs to the intelligence and years of experience of a seasoned farmer to
know that factors outside of him can contribute to poor yield once in a while. The knowledge of
this reality makes him or her rich in practical experience. It is therefore germane to know that
rainy days ahead exist and this makes todays savings of products and services ineluctable. This
experience is not peculiar to the farmer. It applies to all sectors of life.

On the part of the government that has the overall responsibility for the wellbeing of the people,
savings in times of plenty should be taken for granted. Governance deals with prudent
management of human and material resources of a nation. It is not just a protocol of carrying files
up and down. Neither is it an enterprise that ends at appearing on Agbada and receiving salute
before an organized army or police troops. It is an enterprise in sincere services for the good of
the people. It requires due attention and diligence. Unfortunately, this has always eluded our duty-
bearers. Diligence and dedication to the common good have always been the bane of our
democracy. May God save us from their kleptomaniac hands, short-sightedness and profligacy! 

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