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Saturday 23 July 2016

Called To Be Faithful

Daily Reflection Saturday 23th July, 2016.
By Rev. Fr Oliver Onah

Are you shocked like the Psalmist that the wicked prosper? Are you down-spirited that good people stagger from failure to failure? Are you also taken aback that many evil men live very long and in good health while some holy men die of poison? Are you embarrassed that some flirting girls get married quickly and blessed with children, sometimes including twins while some holy virgins remain unmarried against their wish; or may even marry and die without children? The source of your worry is your concept or idea of God and his expectations of you. Some Christians know nothing except the vengeful God of the Old Testament. Today’s gospel presents the reverse side of the coin. The wheat and the weed will continue to struggle for survival. Their fate on the judgement day will depend on the nature of their struggle for survival. We Christians should not make the mistake of trying to succeed by all means in this passing world like worldly men who in order to make ends meet, work on Sundays, take to prostitution, steal, forge certificates, engage in exam malpractice. To die in such condition without true contrition (and confession) is to grade your road to eternal punishment. Mother Theresa of Calcutta gives us the right attitude to whatever frustration we may meet in life. She teaches us that God does not call us to be successful but to be faithful. Whether your business is flourishing or not, in sickness or in health, remain faithful to God. Keep your gaze only on the judgement day.

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