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Saturday 16 July 2016

“Wear on your breast the holy scapular of Carmel”

July 16, 2016

Wear on your breast the holy scapular of Carmel. There are many excellent Marian devotions, but few are so deep- rooted among the faithful, and have received so many blessings from the Popes. Besides, how maternal this sabbatine privilege is! (The Way, 500)
When you were asked which picture of our Lady aroused your devotion most, and you answered--with the air of long experience--'all of them', I realized that you were a good son: that is why you are equally moved--'they make me fall in love', you said--by all the pictures of your Mother. (The Way, 501)
Mary, teacher of prayer. See how she asks her Son, at Cana. And how she insists, confidently, with perseverance. And how she succeeds. Learn from her. (The Way, 502)
If you want to be faithful, be very Marian. Our Mother, from the time of the Angel’s message, until her agony at the foot of the Cross, had no other heart, no other life, but that of Jesus. Go to Mary with the tender devotion of a son, and She will obtain for you the loyalty and self-denial that you desire. (The Way of the Cross, Thirteenth Station, 4)

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