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Wednesday 13 July 2016


Daily Reflection Wednesday 13th July, 2016
By Achinike, Rufus C.S.Sp.
What a blessed assurance we have in the response to today's Responsorial Psalm 93:5-15! But come to think of it, we are rather the people that abandon God, not God abandoning us; for He is always faithful and cannot disown Himself, even though we are unfaithful. (see 2 Timothy 2:13). There is this natural tendency in human being to walk out on God when he/she feels or has no need of Him.
The euphoria of our achievements and success in life's endeavours, if care is not taken, make us proud and lose sense of God's power in our lives; just like the Assyrians in today's first reading (Isaiah 10:5-7;13-16). And we know full well that “Pride goes before a fall” Also, that “God opposes the proud but bestows favour on the humble.” 1 Peter 5:6.
Therefore, the people God will not abandon, as it were, are those who walk humbly before Him, those who express and exercise their need of him. They are those whom Jesus exclaimed in today's Gospel (Mt. 11:25-27), “I bless you, father Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children.” Our prayer and attitude, according to Francis Libermann, the co-founder of the Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers, ought to acknowledge, “God is all, Man is nothing.” And in the words of the book of proverbs (30:9a), “Lest being full, I deny you, saying, 'Who is the Lord?”

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