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Saturday 16 July 2016


Daily Reflection Saturday 16th July 2016

By Achinike, Rufus C.S.Sp.
The world we are living in is never an ideal world but an imperfect world because its inhabitants include both good and evil people with expected opposing standards and world views. As a result, the good people have to contend with excesses of the evil ones; injustice, mischief, oppression and even murder, which are highlighted in all the three readings of today.
However, in the Gospel (Mt. 12:14-21), Jesus showed us in practical terms what He taught His disciples on how to live in this world, when He said, "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpent and gentle as doves...when they prosecute you in one town, flee to another. Truly, I say to you, you will not finish the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.” (Mt. 10:16-23).
Meaning by that, God himself is aware and concerned about the situation, which even the Psalmist reminded us in today's Responsorial Psalm 9; “But you have seen the trouble and sorrow, you note it, you take it in hand. The helpless trusts himself to you; for you are the helper of the orphan.” And with this Good News of God's solidarity with the helpless poor, we need not give up or shy away from fulfilling our mission of witnessing; for good will surely triumph over evil, and we shall become victors and winners in the Lord Jesus.

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