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Monday 11 July 2016


Daily Reflection Monday 11th July, 2016
By Achinike, Rufus C.S.Sp.
The height of moral decadence, such as the case the Lord condemned through His Prophet Isaiah in today's first reading (Isaiah 1:10-17), is now alarmingly disturbing in our own time for everyone to acknowledge. There is no gain saying that what is responsible for this unfortunate situation is the detest or neglect of moral instructions both in family and societal institutions. Or rather, it is the subtle replacement of moral instruction with moral convenience by man, who is working tirelessly to dethrone God and relegate Him to the background.
Hence, Jesus, the God-Son, without mincing words, began His instructions to the Twelve in today's Gospel (Mathew. 10:34-11:1) on an uncompromising note; “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth; It is not peace, I have come to bring, but a sword.” Meaning by that, anyone who desires to be on God's side is automatically opposed and antagonized by the rest who prefer moral convenience to moral instructions. Regrettably, the majority are those who, in the words of the psalmist in the responsorial Psalm 49, recite God's commandments and take His covenant on their lips, who despise His Law. (Instruction) and throw His words to the winds.
The Good News is that to the few who are determined, dedicated and disciplined, in keeping with His instructions, He has promised salvation to. They are the ones the Psalmist said, “I will show God's salvation to the upright.”Remember, this same promise is contained in the Beatitudes. “Happy are those who are persecuted in the cause of right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 5:10). And “By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” (Luke 21:19)

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