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Tuesday 26 July 2016


Daily Reflection
Monday 26th July, 2016
by Rev. Fr. Christopher Ugwuta.

We thank the Church today for availing us of the opportunity to reflect on the ardent faith of the blessed couple: Joachim and Anne. Faith is fundamental in every Christian practice and saints Joachim and Anne were shining icons of Christian faith. The greatest challenge of Christian life today is that of faith. Many of us Christians do not have faith even as small as that of a mustard seed and this situation accounts for the shallow spirituality that is rife at this present day. Joachim and Anne kept the faith alive even in the midst of life's threatening situation. They had no child but they patiently waited on God for they know that God's time is the best. George MacDonald will say that 'the principal part of faith is Patience.” Patience with God is a virtue and all those who manifested this virtue in their lives never lived with regrets. The case of Joachim and Anne was amazingly incredible. They were not just rewarded with the blessing of a child but through them was presented a spotless mother, Virgin Mary who alone was worthy for the Creator. Faithfulness is an uphill task but it is not impossible. The faith of these blessed couple has demonstrated to us that when faithfulness is most difficult, it is most rewarding. May we never permit the enemy to creep into our lives and sow the seed of faithlessness so that we will be celebrated as saints both in this life and hereafter.

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