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Wednesday 6 July 2016


Daily Reflections
Wednesday 6th July, 2016
By Fr. Athanaius Agbo
“When stomachs and pocket books are full, warning falls on deaf ears”.
The northern kingdom of Israel was prospering. The more fruitful,
their orchards were, the more alters they built for false gods; and
more productive their fields were, the more pillars they erected for
pagan idols. Here comes the prophet Hosea's warning that if they did
not reform themselves that punishment will descend upon them (Ho.
10:10) low and behold it did. The northern kingdom was destroyed by
Assyrian armies within ten year. But God never give up on his people.
In the gospel we see Jesus choosing his twelve apostles sending out to
recover his lost sheep of “house of Israel” Mt. 10:16. Today we live
in a world of affluence. Are we aware of the dangers of too much
affluence? Many have lost their Spiritual Balance by making material
prosperity their ends.

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