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Wednesday 20 July 2016

Let Me Never Be Put To Shame! (Ps 70: 10)

Daily Reflection Wednesday 20th July, 2016.
By Rev. Fr Oliver Onah

What is more shameful than the everlasting disgrace heaped for unrepentant sinners! Imagine the ripples of shame generated in the psyche of a thief caught in the open market and paraded round with a bundle of the stolen commodity placed on his head; or an adulterous woman caught in the act and in anger stripped naked by the community that abhors such crime as against the land. No person dies without information by God. At the threshold to eternity, an announcement which is heard only by the dying is made indicating that time is up. Once this happens, he is deprived of further communication with the living. St Alphonsus tell us that at this irreversible moment, three things happen: replay of his past sins (especially unconfessed ones), assault by many demons and fears of eternal damnation. The fear and shame of eternal punishment are more if the dying is a celebrated preacher, a healer, a miracle-worker, a man or woman of God, a person reputed for works of charity yet identified in hell fire with unbelievers, adulterers and armed robbers. The bottom line is that while we engage in these plausible ministries, let us avoid sin like snake and always pray with the psalmist; “In you o Lord I take refuge, let me never be put to shame (Ps 70:1).

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