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Tuesday 12 July 2016


Daily Reflection Tuesday 12th July, 2016
By Achinike, Rufus C.S.Sp.
The scriptural explanation of the origin of evil and sufferings is traceable to that Genesis account of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, that is, man's disobedience to the perfect law of God. Ever since, all of man's self-effort to save himself without the need of God, his creator, or obedience to His commandments has rather plunged him into more problems than alleviate his sufferings and troubles, leaving with other option than to look up to God for divine assistance. This, of course, God in His loving kindness and mercy has continued to demonstrate through miracles; hence, the present crave and craze for miracles by man.
In the first reading from Isaiah 7:1-9, we saw God demonstrating His mighty miraculous powers in coming to the aid of His people against their oppressors. This is a sure proof of today's Responsorial Psalm 47:2-9, that “God upholds his city for ever. Even while on earth, Jesus performed a lot of miracles in order to free people from the bondage of the devil, sickness and death. These, however, serve only as temporary solutions to man's mounting problems. Hence, the need for the highest and greatest miracles, the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the eternal salvation of man.
Unfortunately, people's concern and desire for miracle are now limited to mere temporary solutions to their numerous predicaments. Thus, the so called miracle workers hardly preach salvation but solutions to problems at the widespread healing/solution centres. There is less emphasis on moral instructions but the promotion of moral convenience. It is against this background that one can understand why Jesus in today's Gospel (Mt. 11:20-24) condemned Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum for not fulfilling the ultimate purpose of miracles, which is for conversion and salvation of souls, and not necessarily for problems solving.
Meaning by that, while we earnestly ask for and trust in God's unfailing help concerning our deprivations and yearnings in life, we should endeavour to reciprocate this extravagant show of divine love by drawing closer to God, in our knowledge, love and service of Him. For Jesus advised the Jews searching for Him for miracles, “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on Him, the Father, God, has set His seal”. (John. 6:27)

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