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Thursday 21 July 2016

Gomorrah At Prayer

Daily Reflection Thursday 21th July, 2016.
By Rev. Fr Oliver Onah

If we know the mystery that happens at baptism, every Christian should be striving to remain a best friend and true child of God. It is a Sacrament that gives us free access to all the riches stored in heaven but made available to us here on earth for a foretaste. We become enemies of Satan. Above all, we become royal priests and St Alphonsus tells us that to a priest, every door is open. Today, Jeremiah laments that we have turned into God’s enemy: we have defiled our God’s land and lack the knowledge of God; we rebel against God (when we rebel against God’s ministers); we place curse when we should bless; we abandon God the living water to dig leaky cisterns that hold no water. No reason justifies this embarrassment! All these make us (both royal and ministerial priests) enemies of the God we serve. The truth is that no matter how we see it, no sane Christian would be comfortable to offer his prayers and sacrifices to God through a priest who is at enmity with God. He is like a Gomorrah at prayer. His prayer is offensive to God. However, God accepts his sacrifices though predicated on the theology that he acts in persona Christi but his salvation is not assured. Let us explore once more, the glories of our baptism- Gomorrah at prayer would thus become Melchizedeck at prayer.

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