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Saturday 30 July 2016


Daily reflections 
Rev. Fr. Christopher Ugwuta.
Sat. 30th July 2016

 In the first reading, the people of Judah wanted to kill Jeremiah, which they latter succeeded in doing so, for telling them to repent of their evil ways and obey the voice of the Lord (Cf. Jer. 26, 11 -12). And in the gospel, Matthew presents the death of John the Baptist, in the hands of Herod, as a prelude to Christ's crucifixion and death in the hands of the Jews for standing against the evil in his society. Thus, W.E. Orchard is correct when he posited that it may take a crucified Church to bring the crucified Christ to the world. So the members of the Church have to be wounded in order to heal the wounded world following the example of Christ who healed us through his wounds (Cf. Isa. 53, 5). As Christians we should stand against evil in the society. This will cost us some wounds, troubles, persecution or even losing of our property or life. Christ has already told us that the world that persecuted him will also persecute his disciples (Cf Jn. 15, 20). Thus we should not be surprised if the people of the world persecute us for standing against the evil in the society. Although persecution is the lot of all Christians but Christ will always send us the Holy Spirit to be our advocate in time of persecution as he promised (Cf Jn. 14, 15)

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